
Wow, some people actually read and liked my first post!  So I guess I’ll be keeping this up.

I thought I’d let you in on why my blog is named “oh darling soul”.  It was my Nan’s nickname for me and when she was still alive, she used to call me and say “Hello, darling soul.” or when I was telling her a story, she used to laugh and say “Oh, darling soul!”.  Her giggles were so infectious and if I listen carefully, I can still hear her laugh tinkling through the ether.  Sadly, my Nan passed away very unexpectedly 5 years ago.  It was the anniversary of her death yesterday and I thought of her even more than I usually do.  I miss her words of wisdom and guidance, but since starting my spiritual journey last year, I know she is always with me and I can call on her whenever I want to hear from her.  I had a really special relationship with my Nan.  During the meditation and psychic development group that I attend, I was given a reading by one of the other members of the group and she had managed to connect with my Nan.  My Nan was clapping and saying “keep going”.  That was a nice little show from her that I’m on the right path and not to slow down.  Keep going.  I can hear her say it!  What a comfort.

So yes, there’s a little background for you into the reason for my blog name.  Shortly after my Nan died, I got the words “darling soul” tattooed on my foot in her handwriting.  I copied it directly from her handwriting, so it’s almost like she wrote on my foot.

With love, Darling Soul x